Pete Seeger

The life of pioneering folk musician Pete Seeger reads like a virtual history of social change in America. The epitome of the "sing-a-long leader," his career in music has been devoted to one social cause after another. Even during the 17 years that the House of American Activities Committee effectively blacklisted Seeger from radio and television, he made his presence felt and he deserves much credit for the powerful and lasting statement folk music has made on our culture.

1972 was a particularly monumental year in Seeger's life and his accomplishments were many. He visited North Vietnam that year, returning ecstatic about the country and the peace-loving people there. He also led a successful campaign to clean up New York's Hudson River. Clearwater Executive Director Andy Mele is quoted as saying "Seeger is an American icon of environmental stewardship. Largely because of Pete, the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater is now recognized around the world as the symbol of river protection and the fight for clean water."

Seeger was also chosen by graduating seniors at Oberlin College to deliver the Commencement presentation via banjo, songs, and personal comments, where he declined to accept an honorary degree. Additionally, that same year, director Robert Elfstrom's documentary, Pete Seeger…A Song And A Stone was released.

He was also experiencing chart success with the double album compilation of his music, The World of Pete Seeger, also released that year. And if that weren't enough, he was captured in print via a 1972 feature interview in Rolling Stone, additionally raising his public profile.

Pete Seeger's influence as an activist and revered American folk singer only continues to grow as time marches on. However, it is the countless dedicated performances to benefit causes he believed in that are his true legacy. Nothing says it better than the inscription on Seeger's banjo, "This instrument surrounds hate and forces it to surrender."

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