
Sample this concert
  1. 1King of Diamonds03:22
  2. 2Euphoria05:07
  3. 3Wait For Me04:51
  4. 4Seer05:28
Motopony Dec 20, 2011
Liner Notes

The days can close on us as lesser instances than they were supposed to have been. All along we'd imagined that they were going to turn out differently. Those hopes can be deceptive. They always try to give you what you want, but it's typically all a ruse. It's a car that's been spray-painted and not done right. With that said, get a skillful enough spray painter in there and most of us might not be able to tell the difference between a spray paint dealie and a legitimate one. We could get by with part of the ruse, part of trickery. We might even welcome it because it might have started off with a sweeter ambition, performed not out of malice, but out of curiosity. Seattle band Motopony digs into these thoughts of what becomes of the dreamers and their precious dreams. Sorry, that makes the dreams that these people are making sound as if they're ground beef, as if they're just a bunch of crummy wrappers or worthless calories. It's not how they're supposed to be considered. Here and on many of the songs on the group's self-titled, debut full-length, these four men present their delusions as frameable pieces. They are the parts of life that thump in the night and flash in the daytime, making sure that they're never far from a mind.

With "Wait For Me," Motopony lead singer Daniel Blue recalls a premonition, the image of a girl that arose during a dream. She's written as a long-time crush, one who never became real, but what vivid enough to feel real for years and years. She was charmed, that mystic, and she was entertained. She was romanced and she was thought as real as it could get before it all came crashing down as absurd - just an affair with a smoke monster - with Blue singing, "What a thing/To believe in a dream." There's something about dreams here that doesn't even seem to have all that much to do with dreams. It's the premise of them that gets the interrogation. They are worked over and for good reasons. They aren't to be trusted and neither are the people who get too carried away with them. It's then that we get those days of lesser instance, those shitty days that fade out with sighs and half-dead gazes. "Wake Up" is the converse look at the mentality of dreamers. Blue sings, "Dreamers are believers/That's how you buy into a dream/But how much more do you need to see/Before you can believe, it's time to wake up from the dream?" He continues, "What if I never hit rock bottom, how far can I go fallin' before I realize fallin's free/What if we've all got the satan hidin' deep within our bellies/Where he knows we cannot see/What if my dollar bill is me/Wake up, wake up, you dreamer/Wake up and see the day/A generation slumbers/Through modern life's decay." There's a fight to be had with the easiness of dreaming, of believing that the fabrications can be so true, when we've seen them all be so wrong for so long. Motopony keeps the flames lit though. They more than partly believe for they've witnessed the flickers and they just "wanna feel good too."